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Inspiring money talks and more

Improve your financial well being with a SmartPurse expert-led event

  • Makala Green sitting in front of money

    Recession proof your life

    VIP Masterclass with Makala Green, author and finance TV personality. Available with VIP sub.

  • Olga Miler with money

    Plan for a 100 year life

    Get practical tips to make your money last for a lifetime! Available with VIP sub.

Book us for a speech or seminar

Money is a fascinating subject - and believe it or not, it can be very entertaining too!

Would you like to organise an inspiring event for your workforce or network? Are you looking for a different speaker for your conference?

Having inspired hundreds of people to look at money differently, we are very happy to help. 

Let's talk

Thank you for an inspiring and passionate presentation Olga, your words had a great impact.


Money Rally snippets

Sit back & enjoy key moments in our latest Money Rally: money mindset.