I am learning so much and gaining confidence to invest. I am doing my research and it feels good to know that I belong to the community of women who approach it the same way. Thank you for all your hard work.
Why women use SmartPurse
Found an extra $138 in her budget
After the first session of our Money Fundamentals course, Carina* spring-cleaned her money. Good money hygiene paid off, she found an additional $138 a month in her budget! This offset the cost of the course saved her $28 and made starting a savings pot even easier.
Be like Carina* and join one of our courses
Started investing
For Maria*, investing and getting her money sorted never felt right, it always felt too hard to achieve, so it took a back seat in her life. Suddenly, in one of our courses, it stopped being complicated. Equipped with solid information on risks and how to manage them, she took the plunge, buying an ETF that suited her right then and there!
Why not giving it a go like Maria*?
Started planning her profitable retirement
For years Kate* didn't think about her pension. With us, she learnt what this meant for her retirement, identifying a rather substantial gap. She immediately started a safety pot & built a private pension plan to fill the gap, now she has more security for her future.
Develop a retirement plan like Kate*.
As a millennial, many of my friends (in their mid-twenties) don't often know how or where to look. Super interesting and we're looking forward to learning more.
I am a huge fan of the online course, I have been looking for something exactly like this for ages - it's not easy. I think your Money School deserves a lot more attention and will recommend you everywhere!
Finally understands her investments
Phoebe* spent 10 years not understanding her money, too embarrassed to ask for help. We provided the knowledge & confidence to ask her provider for transparent information. Now she knows exactly what her investments really cost and what benefits to expect.
Ditch the jargon confusion like Phoebe*.
Thank you very much. After 10 years of not even asking the question, I am now clear about all the charges I am paying on my investments.
Saved money
Nadiha* inherited money from her father and invested it. From SmartPurse's Money School she learnt how to judge if she is getting her money's worth. She wasn't. Now her investments are in a more economic and convenient digital provider that fits her lifestyle better, provides great service, and is cheaper.
Learn to invest more money like Nadiha*.
I attended the SmartPurse intro session, what an amazing opportunity to hear women at different points in life talking about their money experiences. Trusted information and advice is so valuable to me as I start my career. SmartPurse is helping me successfully manage my money both now and looking to the future.

We changed the names of our users for safety & confidentiality reasons.
If you'd like to talk to any of our success story women, we'd be more than happy to introduce you, just ask.